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  • Marten Coltrane Speakers

Marten Coltrane Speakers

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
52 kali
Rp. 5.000

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Detail Marten Coltrane Speakers

DESCRIPTION The Marten Coltrane is one of the best speakers in the world, and in its size class, perhaps the very best. These speakers produce a very tight, precise sound with stable, pinpoint imaging and superb coherence and transparency in an attractive, easy to move and setup package. These speakers are very user and room friendly. The come with 4 Black Diamond Racing cones as ' spiked feet' , and their associated pucks, and this not only isolates the speaker from the floor acoustically, but makes the speaker very easy to move around on carpeted floors. The detail and harmonics in the areas of the human voice and the majority of the notes of the piano and acoustic guitar is entrancing. Whether inside the listening room or in a separate room altogether, the realism is first class and somewhat ' spooky' . The presence, dynamics, timbre... everything is spot on. One thing that is immediately evident was that the Coltrane' s have ' tamed' the Accuton ceramic drivers. There wasn' t that crispy, overly fast attack that plagues many speakers with ceramic drivers. These drivers are very fast, with the ability to start a note exactly when the amplifier tells them to. Their natural tendency seems to be to render the note ' too fast' , over emphasizing leading transients. Happily, the Marten folks have licked this problem with the Coltranes. More than that, the beginning of each note is rendered with startling real accuracy. The Coltranes are capable of an almost perfectly convincing rendering of the original music - especially acoustic guitar, piano and voice. These speakers are very, very accurate. They compel a person to dare to compare the sound they produce to the actual recorded event. The do not have any severe shortcomings - top-to-bottom they are not bright, etched, cold, warm, or dull-sounding - and their features are many: top-to-bottom they have loads of detail, with a flatter frequency response than most and very, very transparent. They are small and easy to position and forgiving of imperfect room acoustics. For more information, please email me at : multi.shops@
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